• Mon - Fri: 9.00am - 11.00pm

A lasting impact for patients with Down syndrome

Patients with Down Syndrome face numerous challenges requiring an integrated and specialized approach to improving their lives. At Bones Medical, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive care that makes a lasting difference in the lives of patients, addressing cognitive and intellectual disabilities, expanding research and creating educational resources.

We are committed to working with the Neuromuscular Special Needs Association and Down Syndrome Association of Norway as our community partners. In addition to state-of-the-art services, our clinic provides educational opportunities for patients and their families, including tours and presentations about cerebral palsy.

We strive to make a long-term impact on the quality of life for each patient with Down Syndrome through personalized patient care, resource availability for families and caregivers. We focus on providing world-class treatments such as Pediatrics, Physical Therapy, Orthodontics, Audiology and Speech Pathology that will create positive outcomes for patients which will have a ripple effect throughout their lifetime. Our goal is not merely to provide treatment but also to provide emotional support for these families.

Ultimately, we hope to achieve our vision of improving the health and quality of life for all patients with Down Syndrome by expanding our research projects and providing resources that can expand knowledge in this field while ensuring better patient care remains top priority.

Our belief is that those with Down Syndrome share similarities to those who are long-term premature babies, as both groups have complex medical needs and require close attention for their health and well-being. We hope that our research and other efforts will not only improve the lives of those with Down Syndrome, but also those of their parents and caregivers. .

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